Saturday, April 17, 2010


Well, I don't know if you noticed (probably not) but this blog pretty much dropped off the face of the earth this semester. Yep. Sorry blog. Ironically, though this is my last semester and you'd think it would fly by as a breeze, it has actually been my most difficult/crammed one yet!
Here's a few reasons why:
--I took the GRE and didn't fail
--I applied to grad schools
--I applied to fellowships
--I had a 150-hour internship working for the Grow Learn Give program
--I TAed for two (2!) classes
--I had 17 credits (aka a fullllll load)
--I got into grad schools
--I had to make a decision about grad schools (sorry U, hello Y)
--I applied to more fellowships
--I applied for scholarships
--I presented at BYU's Religious Symposium and won some dinero (we love dinero at our house)
--I took some midterms
--I graded everyone else's midterms
--I worked on my internship ALL the time
--During that time I made these suhweet booklets to help girls in Africa stay in school: Hygiene & Menstruation
--I thought "maybe I should do some homework"
--Sometimes I did homework
--Mostly I applied for scholarships though
--I graded some more people's tests and briefs
--I helped teach a college class (fun!)
--I borrowed young adult novels from the library and read them until 2 in the morning on a regular basis.
--I presented in 2 poster contests and won some more dinero (yessss!)
--I applied for a couple more scholarships
--I applied for graduation WOOT
--I thought "Maybe I should study for finals"
--I decided to write a post on this neglected blog instead.

FEWF! Well. That about sums up my hiatus from the blog world. So you're all caught up. As for hubby, his list probably goes something like this:
--He studies for Chemistry 24/7
--He hates chemistry
--He runs for about an hour a day, WOW
--He studies some more for Chemistry
--He makes me happy all the time
--He goes to work doing physical therapy
--He goes to meetings for Church
--He's getting ready to kick trash on his marathon (June 12)
--He gets more likable every day
--He studies for Chemistry

That's about how it goes for him. He rocks. And he's almost done with Chem for life (we hope).

Oh and I can't forget this:

Just a few weeks ago we celebrated our 2nd anniversary with a delicious dinner/dessert at the Cheesecake Factory! The food was ah-MAZING (we both got shrimp dishes, we're suckers for seafood), and the company was even better :). When you're engaged/first married I feel like everyone tells you how much hard work it's going to be, and ya I guess they're right it takes some work, but I feel like no one told me how much better it was going to get! That we would love each other even more two years later, that we'd get along SO much better, we would communicate lightyears better, and we'd have so much more FUN. Being married just gets better all the time :).

So.... now that it's finals weekend, I'm just about ready to not be in school anymore. Too bad I am graduating only to start an even harder version of school in the fall. Am I crazy!?! I think yes.


I am really excited to be taking TWO art classes this Spring term. Yes, two. No essays, no research, just blissful painting classes for 12 hours a week. Delicious! I can't wait.

Also, probably the thing that is getting me through finals the most (besides the beautiful weather outside, the fact that my grades don't matter any more because I'm already in grad school, and looking forward to moving to a beautiful new house in 2 weeks) is looking forward to the trip Jordan and I are planning to this place later this summer:

Ah yes, we have decided to take an adventure to our nation's beloved Capital! And considering the fact that Jordan hasn't been east of Provo, UT, this is a very exciting prospect indeed. Oh except for Disney World (Florida). But that's just the happiest place on earth, directions are a bit pointless there really. Anyway. It's going to be amazing. No homework, no studying, just me and Jordan on a trip laughing and exploring and having a ball. Can't hardly wait!!!


Bethany Hoyt said...

Kels!! You guys look like you are doing fabulous! I think you are amazing! Congrats for being so legit:) Maybe once were graduated we can plan a little something?!!!

kels said...

Haha thanks Bethany, "legit" is a high compliment from our group of friends ;). We would LOVE to get together with you guys... after Winter is over our life gets a loooot more relaxed, so let's definitely plan something then. But seriously. I think I still have your number, unless it's changed.

Brittanie said...

hooray for blog updates!!! and trips! congrats on the grad school acceptance. let's get together soon!

Larry & AnnMarie said...

YOU will love DC! we lived there for 4 months last summer with an internship and had the funnest time ever so much to see and do! Congrats on the graduate program, you guys seem like your doing great:)

Mandy said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog. It is nice to know that I am not the only one who experiences flower disasters.

What are you going to grad school for? I am taking the GRE later this year, and might apply to the U and Byu too. Good choice choosing the Y!

kels said...

Mandy, I'm sorry I just saw this! The GRE is animal, but I'm sure you'll nail it (especially verbal and the writing section, of course!). What programs are you looking at? I'm in the Master of Public Health program, focusing on global women and children's health... mostly refugees and human trafficking :). ya know, light stuff.