Thursday, October 7, 2010

my husband is an animal

Yep, it's true that Jordan ran the St. George Marathon last weekend. And with only FIVE weeks training, he:

--PRed at 2 hours and 34 minutes
--(That's 5:53 averages per mile, for 26.2 miles....)
--Placed 8th overall with nearly 7,000 runners
--Placed 2nd in his age group
--Is a champion

He also sacrificed a toe on his left foot. What?! Haha sorry, I meant toe nail. But yea his toe is like a giant blood blister with the toe nail falling off. Ouch!!! Takin one for the team.

Here's the documentation:

What a hunk of man meat! :)


hales said...

Whoa -- You were FLYING man! And you're in school too?? Awesome.

hales said...

Whoa -- You were FLYING man! And you're in school too?? Awesome.

Brittany said...

Congrats to Jordan! That's awesome...sounds like life is good! We miss you guys!

J Cushing said...

Way to go, Jordan! Would you believe I ran the SGM once?

Davis said...

I never really commented about this, but that's flat out awesome in that it is worthy of awe. I wish I could be there for the conference. I'll have to see if Rebecca is interested or able to go see any of it. It'll be great to see you two when we get back. Again, great job on the run, Jordan.