Saturday, September 25, 2010


So I didn't officially get tagged for this game, but I've been doing homework for 8 hours straight on a Saturday, so I'm down for about any distraction right now:

1. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Probably when I was on my first date with my high school boyfriend. Everything was going soooo well, and then we got in a really fun pillowfight (we had just watched a movie at his house and his mom had a lot of those couch pillows) and I went to hit him with one but it flipped in my hand and instead I clocked him in the face. Ha! Can you believe it, he still liked me anyway and we dated for another year and a half :).

2. What is your greatest accomplishment, to date?
Probably getting Jordan to fall in love with me by writing him clever and entertaining letters for 5 years. But coming in second would be the very generous FLAS (foreign language and area studies) scholarship I just received to study Italian with my graduate school classes!

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Realistic: San Luis Obisbo, CA.

Dreaming: Geneva, Switzerland or Cinque Terre, Italy

Wouldn't you want to live here too?

4. If you could only take 3 belongings with you on a mass exodus to somewhere else, what would you take and why?
My computer (let's be real, it's like an appendage at this point anyway), my bike (my pride and joy), and a good book :).

5. What is your dream date like?
Probably exploring a small town somewhere in Europe all day, conveniently located near an ocean where we can eat dinner overlooking the shore and sunset, and then sit in the sand and chat :).

6. What is your earliest memory?
I'm not totally sure which is earliest, but I do remember sitting in the little chair-contraption on the back of my mom's bike as we rounded a corner to the park we'd always go to. I think Trent was on my dad's bike, so maybe I was two? I also have some memories of going to Joy School, watching my mom make me macc n cheese, watching Fantasia for the first time, and some others. :)

7. If you could have anything to eat right this moment, what would it be?
Thai Mangoes and Sticky Rice, the yummiest dessert eeeeeeever.

8. If you had unlimited funds to start your own foundation, what would it do and what causes would it advocate?
Funny you should ask, I think about this all the time! I would create a foundation that advocates for girls' education and other methods of preventing and eliminating sex trafficking. Check out this website for a pithy video sum up:

Maybe I'll get to an actual update on our life some day soon, but in a quick nutshell:

Jordan is being a rockstar as always :). He's taking a full load in school, continues to work with Capricia doing physical therapy, and was just called as the Elders' Quorum President in our ward (leader of the men's group). He will also be running the St. George marathon next week, which I am sure he will be amazing in!

I just started my Masters of Public Health (MPH) program at BYU, which is amazing! There are 11 other students in the program with me, and they are too much fun. I don't think I've ever enjoyed class this much! I also was fortunate enough to receive a FLAS scholarship, which promotes the study of European areas and studies. So I'm taking Italian and Western European Politics courses on top of my MPH load, totaling for 19 credits of school! WOW it's pretty busy, I feel like Jordan because now I study all the time (he's a great example ;). I'm also TAing/co-instructing the Refugee and Immigrant health class again, and that's just about enough to keep me busy!



Heidi said...

Man, now I'm totally hungry for sticky rice and mangoes. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm. You sound super busy! Your birthday buddy and her dad and I miss seeing you guys!

erika herman said...

You are like superwoman. :)

Good luck with everything, you are awesome!

Stephanie said...

I'm glad joined the tagging game ;) Mangos and sticky rice does sound delicious. I think we'll have to make some soon. You guys should come over some night and we'll do it! Also, I of course love your foundation idea!

Jenelle said...

Congrats on getting that scholarship! And yes, I'd love to live on the Amalfi coast in Italy. I think I had that same picture in my "travel goal book" in high school.
Oh, yes, don't know how I found your blog, but I did.