Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beautiful Things

I really do love beautiful things. I spend a lot of time reading, writing, and talking about horrible, dark, evil things, and I think that makes me feel even more exultant when I see or experience something wonderful. I just saw this truly lovely animation piece today, and I feel like I haven't stopped watching it since. It just captures something truly raw, really puts expression and untampered emotion on display, to see how we feel about it. It's the kind of art that makes me emotional; glad to be alive, and a little sad at the same time. I'm so glad for the many talented people that make beautiful things.

The author of the piece said: "Rather than creating a narrative animated piece that communicates a well defined story, this piece allows for each individual who views it to to experience something unique and personal that touches their own sensibilities."

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

I couldn't figure out why it struck me so, until I realized that it captures the emotions and story of a relationship I used to be in. The tenderness, the desperation... it made me cry watching it. It's amazing how good art can make you feel old emotions, whether it's love or sadness, fondness or depression. Music and art are just like that, aren't they? So this made me sad for a moment, remembering how it felt to be like that. But then I thought about the feeling I had when Jordan became a solid part of my life-- not a long-distance friend, but a real life companion, and how I just kept thinking to myself: "I'm safe with you." It's a truly wonderful feeling to know you're safe with someone. It fills me up when I think of how I never, never have to say goodbye to him. It makes a person whole again to have something that will last for always.

Here is the website if you want to read more about this animation:


Rebecca said...

Nice post Kelsey. I watched this from your link on fb yesterday and I also liked it, but I love how you described it here. It is full of tenderness and desperation. Awww, Jordan is such a lucky guy.

kels said...

Thanks Becca, you always make a girl feel like gold :)